When analyse and design the link budget of a radio communication system, our experienced engineers take all relevant influences into consideration. For example, free-space loss, refraction, diffraction, reflection, aperture-medium coupling loss, absorption, terrain contours, environment, propagation medium, distance between the transmitter and receiver, as well as the height and location of antennas. -92 dBm (at 1x 10-3) is also taken into account as the reference threshold in the link budget calculation.
At the same time, we adopt industry’s tested and proven standards to strengthen the link budget accuracy. Based on ITU-R recommended P530-8, we predict multi-path fading probability according to the worst month’s statistics. For applicable rain region, we allocated Rain Region P as recommended by ITU-R, and calculate earth bulge (K) factor at 4/3 or 1.3333 at standard atmospheric pressure.
We at omega are dedicated to deliver consistent high quality of service, we provide our customers clear graphical summary of the path clearance with lines showing the path profile and Fresnel clearance, and reliable path loss calculation for every parameter to ensure our radio communication system can withstand even in the most demanding environment.